‘Indonesian Broadway’ to mark EKI’s 25th anniversary

The Eksotika Karmawibhangga Indonesia (EKI) Dance Company will bring out some Broadway charm for its upcoming shows in EKI Update v.4.1 on Friday and Saturday at the Jakarta Playhouse (GKJ).
The shows, which mark the EKI Dance Company’s quarter-century anniversary, will be staged under the theme #BroadwaynyaIndonesia (Indonesian Broadway), representing EKI Dance Company cofounder Rusdy Rukmarata’s goal for his dance company to become the Indonesian version of Broadway.
“Both Broadway and West End, even though they’re similar, they have their own identities, with West End being mostly classical while Broadway is more jazz. Likewise, we have to be able to create a special Indonesian overtone that translates into a universal language. That is our hope for the future of the Indonesian dance scene.”
Sumber: Jakarta Post